April 2021

April 22, 2021

Prof. Alexei Kornyshev

Professor Alexei Kornyshev is an expert in condensed matter theoretical chemical physics and its applications to biophysics, electrochemistry, nanoscience, and energy generation and storage. Through the years his particular areas of research were electron and proton transfer reactions and processes, hydration, metal/electrolyte and liquid-liquid interfaces, transport phenomena in solid electrolytes and polymer electrolyte membranes, aggregation […]

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April 22, 2021

Prof. Justin Hargreaves

Justin Hargreaves is currently Professor of Catalytic Materials Chemistry at the University of Glasgow where he has been since 2002.  Following a PhD in the area of structure-sensitivity in MgO catalysed oxidative coupling of methane undertaken at the University of Liverpool under the supervision of Professors Richard Joyner and Graham Hutchings CBE FRS, in 1990 […]

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April 20, 2021

Prof. Joel S. Miller

Joel S. Miller ​The University of Utah Phone: 801-585-5455 Office: 2124 HEB-N USA Email: jsmiller@chem.utah.edu Joel S. Miller is a distinguished Professor at department of chemistry, University of Utah, since 2001. Joel S. Miller has 6 patents that include an optical toner fusing system, ink jet fabrication of printed circuit boards, and glass coating compositions. […]

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