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International Conference on Advanced Materials and their Applications 2021

7 - 9 March, 2022, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia | Virtual Event

Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University in Al-Kharj, represented by the College of Science and Humanities, organizes the International Conference on Advanced Materials and their Applications, due in 7 - 9 March, 2022. The conference is deemed to be the first of its kind in the university; further, it transpires at a time that serves the Kingdom's policy of diversifying knowledge-based economy, which demands reliance on scientific research in the furtherance of development. With this in mind, research outcomes would enhance the university vision in fulfilling the systemic structure of scientific research. The magnitude of the present conference themes consists in the fact that the science of materials is regarded as one of the significant specializations wherein the physical and chemical properties of materials as well as their engineering applications and their utility in industry and medicine are being taught. Such a scientific branch is built on the interrelation between materials and their properties, and hence their development into being new materials with industrial applications. Also, this branch of science is interested in micro-technology fields, quantitative computation, nuclear sciences, and medical fields.


March, 2022Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Conference Themes

  • Materials Characterization.

  • Nanotechnology in Materials Science

  • Advanced Materials for Water Purification.

  • Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

  • Catalysts in the Petrochemical Industry.

  • Carbon Nanomaterials and Nanostructures.

  • Advanced Ceramics and Composite Materials.

  • Polymeric Materials.

  • Plasma and its applications

  • Nano medicines

  • Modeling and Computational Material Science

  • Materials Engineering

  • Waste management

Conference Objectives

  • Encourage scientific research activities in the materials sciences field and their applications

  • Displaying the new developments in nanotechnology and materials sciences for the sake of benefiting from them to solve the different industrial, developmental and environmental problems inside the Kingdom.

  • Exploring new industrial and scholarly opportunities and challenges for enhancing creativity and innovation through exchanging knowledge among researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals.



Important Dates



Dates of the Conference 7 – 9 March, 2022


Virtual Event

College of Science and Humanities
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University
ALkharj – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Conference Supreme Committee

  • Specifying the general vision and approving the primary objectives of the conference.
  • Conducting the overall supervision of conference committees.
  • Introducing the proposals intended to elevate the conference standards along with providing the material and psychological support for the conference.
  • Contacting those in the institution’s upper reaches.
  • Taking the measures necessary for facilitating the work done by committees based on the correspondence made by the head of conference management committee.
  • Ratifying the rewards assigned to members of the different committees of the conference.
  • Approving the conference final report as issued from the head of conference management committee.
  • Issuing the necessary resolutions, constituting committees, and approving the minutes, reports, recommendations and proposals suggested by the conference committees.

Conference Management Committee

  • Nominating committee heads and members.
  • Approving conference events and program.
  • Supervising the proceedings related to the different committees.
  • Corresponding with the relevant destinations in the name of committee head.
  • Selecting and inviting the conference guests.
  • Seeking conference and exhibition sponsors and signing contracts with them.
  • Contacting the supreme committee for approving final reports and concluding recommendations.
  • Introducing a report on the obstacles and challenges encountered by the committees and the ways of overcoming them, besides the prospects for the coming conferences.

Scientific Committee

  • Suggesting the conference scientific personas (key speakers and session chairs and coordinators).
  • Propounding the conference themes and despatching them to the supreme committee for approval.
  • Preparing the conference program (brochure, lectures, and session titles) and the method of receiving participations in coordination with the committee of public relations and media.
  • Setting the time and deadline for receiving the papers.
  • Preparing a template for research abstracts and a template for evaluating the papers
  • Evaluating the papers and their abstracts, announcing the results of evaluation, selecting the reviewers, vetting the papers and sending them to the reviewers, and accepting the papers and approving their publication in the conference proceedings
  • Reviewing the papers coming to the scientific committee as well as following the completion of the printing measures for these papers and their publication in coordination with the media committee
  • Sending acceptance letters for those papers accepted and specifying the mode of acceptance as either poster or oral presentation
  • Setting the technical specifications of and space for posters as well as sending them to the researchers whose papers have been accepted
  • Recording and monitoring the most important recommendations of the conference through the different lectures, symposia, and events so that they can be produced as final recommendations by the conference
  • Following up the execution of conference program while operating and modifying the program prior to the conference and during its presentation if necessary
  • Preparing and organizing the scientific activities concomitant with the conference such as workshops
  • Locating, in coordination with the exhibition committee, the space for posters and sending them to the researchers whose papers have been accepted
  • Such other tasks as may be assigned to it

Organizational Committee

  • Planning and preparing for the inaugural and final celebrations.
  • Monitoring the conference logistics.
  • Conjoining the committees and following up their work.
  • Making a list of attendants and invitees from inside and outside the Kingdom.
  • Sending cards of invitation for attending the inaugural celebration.
  • Assuming all the tasks related to the participants coming from outside the Kingdom for ensuring the processes related to the tickets of invited speakers, visas, hotels, and transport in coordination with the committee of public relations, media and marketing.
  • Preparing and sending letters for correspondence inside the university for the sake of enacting all the organizational aspects related to the conference place in coordination with the conference managing committee.
  • Preparing the data related to registration and their documentation.
  • Preparing the place appropriate for registration and supervising all registration processes.
  • Preparing the participants’ suitcases as well as placing their contents in terms of the brochure, registration records, pens, memory sticks containing participations in coordination with the scientific committee, and finally delivering the ID Badge Holder to participants.
  • Designing guiding boards that locate the lecture settings, university restaurant, the library, computers in the college, and the services that may be needed by the participants inside the college or the university.
  • Preparing  the halls and sparing the data-show projectors, sound systems, and all such equipment in coordination with the committee of public relations, media and marketing.
  • Ensuring availability of members inside the hall for organizing the attendants.
  • Propagating the conference program through different modes of publicity in the places where the conference is being held.
  • Supervising the female section inside the halls by female committee members.
  • Coordination with the committee of public relations, media and marketing for transporting the conference participants, from their residence places in the hotels to the conference place and vice versa, plus setting the time of their departing from the hotel and the conference place.
  • Coordinating with the committee of public relations, media and marketing for allocating cars that transport the key speakers and invitees from their residence place in the hotel to the conference place, and vice versa.
  • Organizing an entertaining program throughout the conference days such as paying visits to the historic places in the area and the parks located therein.
  • Organizing a touristic program for seeing the Kingdom’s most important sights towards the end of the conference events.
  • Preparing a weekly report prior to holding the conference and sending it to the conference management committee.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned to it.

Financial Committee

  • Supervising the conference budget and the expenditures of each committee, incidentals, and spending mechanism.
  • Spending on the conference demands in coordination with the conference management committee.
  • Monitoring the process of paying the fees at the account of the conference via electronic methods of payment using visa card, Pay Pal, etc.
  • Charting the sums coming in the conference account from sponsors and registered attendants as well as setting up the financial records thereof.
  • Disbursing rewards for those who brought sponsors in conformity with the measures dictated after being adopted by the conference management committee, and hence by the conference supreme committee.
  • Preparing a weekly report on the total sums incoming and outgoing.
  • Supervising the execution of the conference financial aspects in cooperation with the rest of the committees, especially with the organizational committee.
  • Such other tasks as may be assigned to it.

Committee of Public Relations, Media and Marketing

  • Receiving invited speakers from outside the Kingdom and arranging their stay and transportation
  • Receiving guests at the conference venue during the conference, and organizing the seats inside halls in coordination with the Organizational and Scientific Committees
  • Supervising the implementation of the conference media plan in coordination with the Department of Public Relations and Media at PSAU
  • Responding to the participants’ correspondences and enquiries via Info-icama@psau.edu.sa which is mentioned in the conference brochure and website
  • Responding to subscribers’ calls through telephone number 0115888020 or mobile number 00966562777609
  • Editing and publishing the news of the conference in newspapers and in the conference website
  • Managing the conference website on the Internet in coordination with other committees
  • Preparing the Media Centre in the conference venue
  • Coordinating with the relevant authorities to participate in the preparation and supervision of the exhibition concomitant with the conference
  • Documenting the conference activities
  • Providing translation services
  • Coordinating with hotels, restaurants and transportations to find discount offers for the participants in the conference. This information is published on the conference website; coordinating with a restaurant to provide meals and hot drinks inside the conference headquarters. These meals and drinks should be served in the breaks among sessions in addition to the main lunch meal. The committee in charge could coordinate with the Deanship of Students’ Affairs to benefit of the services offered by the company operating the university restaurant
  • Receiving and bidding farewell to the participants in the conference
  • Following-up the conference marketing plan with the media agency in charge
  • Preparing tokens of honor, certificates of appreciation, and invitation cards in coordination with the Scientific Committee and the Committee of Conference Management
  • Such other tasks as may be assigned to it

Exhibition and Sponsors Committee

  • Attracting sponsors and communicating with them regarding the exhibition concomitant with the conference, in coordination with the Conference Management Committee
  • Communicating with the conference committees, especially the Scientific, Organizational and Financial Committees, regarding the sponsors’ benefits from the offered privileges
  • Allotting the exhibition space
  • Numbering of exhibition sections
  • Providing support to companies and participants
  • Developing the inauguration program of the exhibition
  • Helping the exhibition visitors
  • Designing a chart containing the sponsors’ logos where press meetings are planned to be held
  • Such other tasks as may be assigned to it
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