Prof. Kostas Komnitsas
- Komnitsas is full professor in Metallurgical Engineering (PhD in Hydrometallurgy), School Mineral Resources Engineering Technical University Crete, Greece. He is:
Director of the following Laboratories:
- Ceramics and Glass Technology
- Waste Management and Soil Rehabilitation
- Ore Beneficiation
He is also a member in the following associations:
- Technical Chamber of Greece
- Greek Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
- Greek Society of Mineral Wealth Scientists
- “Alexander S. Onassis” Foundation Scholars
- National Technical University (NTUA) Graduates Union
- ASTM Member (Environmental Forensics)
- EWRA Member (European Water Resources Association)
- GWA (Greek Water Association)
- University Network Biomet (Fate and Transport of Biocolloids(
- Member of journal Editorial Boards
- July 2015. Associate Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science: Wastewater Management,
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Information Processing in Agriculture (Elsevier),
http://www.elsevier.com/journals/information-processing-in-agriculture/2214-3173, (since 08/2013)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Environmental Forensics (Taylor and Francis),
http://www.environmentalforensics.org/journal.htm, (since 01/2005)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Minerals Engineering (Elsevier),
http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/issn/08926875 (since 04/2000)
- Statistics
- Co-chair in 6 international conferences.
- Member in 20 conference scientific committees.
- 12 books or chapters in books
- 103 journal paper
- 137 Refereed publications in International Conferences
- 50 Research projects