Dr. Abdulrahman Alharthi
عميد كلية العلوم والدراسات الإنسانية – الخرج
ورئيس لجنة إدارة أعمال المؤتمر
Dr. Abdulrahman I. Alharti is physical chemistry scientist with specialization in catalysis. He received his doctoral degree in 2014 from University of Glasgow, United Kingdom by working on catalytic cracking of methane to produce hydrogen. He is currently working as Dean, college of science and humanities, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. His research interests include hydrogen production by thermal methane cracking and green energy development by catalytic route. He has published his research findings in Journals of International repute with healthy citations. Due to his significant research contribution, Dr. Abdulrahman has been rewarded with number of research awards. As a versatile researcher his research line is also related to the materials characterization and the use of CO2 for the generation of chemicals and fuels, as for example, the green methanol synthesis for energy. All these research activities have been developed at his Catalysis and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory (CNRL) located in Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University. Besides, he has also developed state of the art central laboratory which is equipped with modern instrumentation related to catalysis and nanotechnology cutting edge research.